College Search

~ Sunday, February 17, 2002

written earlier..

I'm just getting back from the exam which most likely didn't go too well.. heh.. I did good on the essay, but the m/c was something you'd take for a gre psychology exam. Oooooh well.


*yawn* pretty tired.. I'll probably be going to bed pretty soon. We arrived back at Portland safely - despite the car not starting initially when we were in McMinnVille.Tomorrow we plan to go see some apartments in Portland, and Michelle would also like to stop by Reed College just to see what it's like. Well, that's all for now.
~ Saturday, February 16, 2002
Day 2

Today Michelle and I woke up *early* (does 9 a.m. count?) to catch the 10 a.m. Lewis & Clark tour. Lewis & Clark is very beautiful (maybe I'll post pictures here later when I'm back at Cousin Ronnie's house), however, the campus was still completely dead during the tour. It was kind of funny.. at one point in the tour one girl raised her hand and asked a question.. "Uhh... where are all the people??"... ahha, I thought it was a pretty funny question.. there wasn't really a clear answer to the question either. Michelle and I both thought the campus was just generally weird. It was very pretty (and very freezing), but everything is completely closed down. We looked at the hours to a lot of the little shops that were closed, and even on weekdays the shops close at around 4:30 p.m. Heh.. if I'm living on campus for 4 years.. I'm going to need food/shops to be open later than 4:30 p.m. Anyway.. so everything ended around noon and then we were on our way back to Ronnie's. We got back to Ronnie's house and just kind of relaxed. Well, Michelle took a nap (because she was going to have to drive to Linfield today) and I studied for my upcoming Psychology exam @ Linfield. Now I'm at Linfield staying in a dorm with this girl named Sarah. She reminds me a lot of my friend Maura, and a little bit of myself at the same time (Sarah is going to Linfield on a trustee scholarship.. the same scholarship that I got offered). Another girl from Washington (who will be doing a competetive scholarship/audition in theatre tomorrow) is staying with us in the dorm room as well. Michelle and I both get a waaaaay better vibe from the Linfield campus versus the Lewis & Clark campus. People are actually out walking and socializing on this campus. The town is very small/cute, and the campus in general seems very nice. I'm not sure yet if I think the town is TOO small.. it definitely is larger than Bucknell's town. Maybe the town is a very-big 'college town' considering there's not much else in this town.. and maybe that's a good thing? I plan to take some pictures tomrrow of the campus, so I'll post those probably tomorrow with the pictures from Lewis & Clark as well. That's all for now! Right now I'm in the dorm room on the very-nice ethernet connection :) .. and planning on studying a little more for my psychology exam now. We could've gone and seen a comedian tonight, buuut, we decided not to. *shrug* It's pretty chilly in this area, but not too bad. .. sooo.. I guess that's it for now. :)
~ Friday, February 15, 2002
I'll be posting everything about the colleges/universities I visit this week (only two) at this site.. just so my mom can read about them.. oh, and if anyone else is really that interested, they can read too.. however, there will probably be nothing but opinions/minor details here.
Read on..
After the interview I was loading my luggage on an airplane for Portland. Michelle, my best friend whom I haven't seen for a loooooong time now, met me there. :) It was great to see her, and we're staying at my Cousin's (2nd cousin.. he's awesome) house. We have our own kitchen/bathroom/room.. it's soooooo much nicer than a motel.. we really lucked out. :) Tonight we just drove around.. kinda got lost.. hehe, we actually ended up at Lewis & Clark tonight because we got lost (major lost), but we still plan to go back tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don't feel that Lewis & Clark is going to be a good match for me. It seems like a really nice campus, but it's in the middle of no where.. there is absolutely nothing going on at the campus it seems.. shops.. bookstores.. nothing. It was Friday night when we drove up there tonight, and the campus is literally dead.. no one walking around.. no one talking outside.. heh.. I don't think I really want that. I need a campus where they're alive on friday night. Anyway.. I'm out.

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